Friday, December 23, 2011

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Leg Training With Lower Back Injuries - 6 Steps to Improved Lower Body Training

!±8± Leg Training With Lower Back Injuries - 6 Steps to Improved Lower Body Training

Back Pain, If you haven't already had it you can pretty much rest assured that at some point you will have to deal with it. Some people may get lucky and only have minor injuries that go away with very little work, others (like myself) will have to deal and work around back pain for a very long long time.

However just because you have back pain or an injury doesn't mean you cant train, it just means you have to modify your training. If anything the change of training could benefit you in terms of motivation, exercise selection and the challenge of doing something different in the gym.

Before I jump into the exercises and training information I recommend from personal experience keep in mind i am not a doctor, and with any injury you should always consult your doctor.

Step 1 : Injury Check - Determine what is wrong.

One of the biggest problems with back injuries is actually knowing what your injury is! I was doing some research on back pain and saw a crazy statistic that about 60% of lower back pain injuries are undetermined. Basically someone has pain, and the doctor or chiropractor cant actually find anything mechanically wrong with the back. Sometimes back pain can be a lot more than just something wrong with your back! But this is another article all together. Try to find out what is causing the problem. It could be simple, it could be complex. Find a good Doctor, Chiropractor, Physiotherapist and learn from them.

Step 2 :Assessment - Determine what you can & can't do.

First thing I want you to do is take a pen and paper and write down ALL the lower body exercises that cause you pain. The list can be small, or long, but i want you to WRITE IT DOWN. Here is my list quickly. - Bar Back Squats - Bar Deadlifts - Heavy normal stance stiff leg deadlifts Heavy rotational core work Heavy squats of any kind. That is my list briefly. These are exercises that when I do them I know I am going to pay for them. Now do the following. Take your list, read it top to bottom, and then STOP DOING THESE EXERCISES! When you get a lot of pain from an exercise it is your body telling you to stop doing what you are doing, something is wrong. It is like driving a car, when a red light comes on your dash saying Check Engine that does not mean drive the RPM's up and drive as hard as you can. It means stop, evaluate, try to fix the problem!

Step 3 - PreHab & Mobility

Prehab & mobility work is another article I will write down the road, but I wanted to touch on it briefly. Everyone wants to get to the gym, hit it hard and go home. Keeping in mind when you train you are breaking down your muscle tissue, nervous system and more. It is a good idea to get your body READY for the workout ahead. Prehab basically means prehabilitation, which is the opposite of rehabilitation. Rehab is what you do AFTER you are injured. Prehab is what you do to MINIMIZE getting injured. Why get injured if you can prevent it! More on this down the road.

Mobility work is around the same lines as prehab. It is good to get your body moving and firing properly so that it can do the job that you want it to do. Let say your goal is a sprint workout. Don't do any warm up, or dynamic stretching, just go dive right into your sprints. This is great IF you want a hamstring tear! So prehab & mobility should always come before any workout. It will take 8-20 minutes depending on age, training experience, type of training. But it is ALWAYS worth it. Consider this the seat belt of your car. Always buckle up!

Step 4 : Getting Ready For The Exercises

A few factors that I always take into consideration with back pain/injuries and training are the following. Load Tempo Stability ROM (Range of motion). Lets start with load. For load lets just keep this simple. Load for now will be simple, it is the amount of weight you use for an exercise.

For example lets say you are squatting. If you are squatting the bar (45lb) without problem, then squatting should be ok right? Well lets say you put 315 on that bar (and your are strong enough to do it) and that weight causes you pain/discomfort. then the load is too high. If you can do an exercise with LIGHTER weight and still do the exercise this is a good thing. It just means you have to LOWER YOUR WEIGHT. I know, everything you read tells you to lift more. Well when you are injured this is the wrong thing to do!

However, if you can do an exercise without pain with lighter weight we can introduce the next thing, Tempo. If you are familiar with tempo then skip to the next paragraph. if not let me summarize quickly.

Tempo is the following. The speed at which you execute an exercise. Tempo has 3 ranges I will explain using a bench press. Eccentric : Lowering (Once you take the bar off the rack and lower it to your chest) Pause : When the range is at its fullest (IE on the bench press it is when the bar touches your chest) Concentric : The positive side of the lift. IE Pushing the bar off your chest on bench press)

A tempo principle would be written like this Tempo 6 - 1 - X 6 = 6 seconds down 1 = 1 second pause X = Move the weight as fast as you can back to the start of the rep

Simply put if you have an injury SLOW DOWN. Using less weight with a longer TUT (Time Under Tension) you will benefit greatly from it. Your muscles will get work and your joints will thank you! Next up is stability training. Stability training has really gone strange over the last few years. You see bosu balls everywhere, and everywhere I see stability training i see people doing things they shouldn't be doing!

When defining stability at the moment we want to look core stability. Keeping the TVA (Transversus abdominis muscle) stable during lower body exercises is very important. If your core is unstable and you have a lower back injury or weakness you will only make matters worse.

What I mean for this is keep your stomach tight, your core strong and stable, this will help reduce back injury and also injury prevention.

Lastly is ROM means (Range Of Motion). For the most part you always want a full range of motion. However, if this isn't possible (usually due to lack of mobility), I recommend modifying the exercise and making the best of it. For example I cant do full squats (But I think they are a fantastic exercise if you can do them). But I can do squats to a bench without much pain. So why not use them. It is better to do something than nothing.

Step 5 : The Exercises

First thing I recommend is to ditch most exercises that involve using 2 legs at once. Single leg training is the way to go! You wont see much of this type training in Flex magazine, but if you want legs like Ronnie Coleman this isn't the article for you. However if you want muscular, strong, functional legs, uni-lateral leg training is an excellent choice.

Some Benefits Of Uni-Lateral Leg Training Are:

- The loads on the spine will be dramatically reduced
- The leg(s) are isolated causing a much higher recruitment of muscle fiber activation Improvement of sports as most sports don't have 2 legs in a set position exerting effort (IE. Squat or Deadlift)
- Improved Co-ordination with single leg training.
Due to my own injury I have fallen in love with the following exercises.
- Single Leg Box Squats - Start using your own body weight then progress to using a weighted vest & or dumbells Lunges. Reduced load on spine when using dumbells. Can adjust stride length and dept to hit different areas of legs & hips.
- Single Leg Stiff Leg Deadlifts. Done with a dumbell or kettlebell. Great for hamstrings, lower back & improving balance.
- Ski Squats - Vary heights every 30 seconds. Step Ups - Varying heights using dumbells.
- Leg Extensions - (For bodybuilding, not for sports improvement) Sissy Squats -(Old School exercise that has great benefits for leg growth)
- Single Leg Squats against a wall with a ball. Same as ski squat but using a ball

6. Post Workout Recovery

I am not going to go into the details of post workout nutrition here. I will just cover what I think is important from a training point of view.

The only time to do static stretching (where you place the muscle in a stretched ranged and hold), is post workout. After doing leg training I recommend a good 10-15 minutes of cool down stretching. I always find it best to start with the hips and work your way down.

IE. Stretching in order, Glutes, Hips, Quads, Hamstrings, Calves.

I also highly recommend ice post workout. Not the ice cold type skin creams, I mean a bag of cold ice or a ice pad. Applied to any area that hurts after you train. This is key in reducing inflammation (which contributes largely to pain). Reduce inflammation, improve recovery.

Another great post workout way to recover is alternating hot and cold shower. To do this you run 30 seconds hot, then 30 seconds cold. It really sucks but it really works wonders for muscle recovery.


Training with any injury is never fun. A back injury gets in the way of everything you do, but instead of looking at it negatively look at it as a challenge and make the best of your situation. Look for another article down the road implementing these exercises into a kick ass lower body routine that will get your legs firing while minimizing back pain and improving mobility!

Leg Training With Lower Back Injuries - 6 Steps to Improved Lower Body Training

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Film Like A Boss - AE: Cyclops Optic Blast Effect

A concise tutorial on how to create Cyclops' famous Optic Blast effect in After Effects! This tutorial teaches you the basics of constructing the effect and making it look cool. How you composite the effect afterwards is entirely up to you! Don't forget to Like/Favourite this video if it helped you out! MUSIC BY FEINT DnB X-MEN SECOND CLASS TOGETHER TO THE TOP + GET YOUR VIDEOS PROMOTED! Special Thanks to Daniel Broadway -------------------------------------------------------------- TWITTER - FACEBOOK - --------------------------------------------------------------

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Information on the Black Cumin Seed

!±8± Information on the Black Cumin Seed

Black cumin seed is also known by its Latin name - Nigella Sativa. Black Cumin has been around for thousands of years. The best seeds come out of Egypt. The seeds are used to treat such issues as gastro-intestinal problems such as gas, colic, and diarrhea. They are also used to treat dysentery, constipation, and hemorrhoids.

Black cumin seed is also used to treat respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies, and cough. Emphysema, bronchitis, the flu, congestion can also be treated with black cumin seed. It has also been used to treat high blood pressure, boost immune system protection, and act as an anti-carcinogen.

Uses For Black Cumin Seed

When black cumin is taken orally for women's health issues, it can be used for contraception, to stimulate menstrual cycle and increasing milk flow for nursing mothers. When it is used to treat allergies, it may have an antihistamine type of effect.

Tea can be made with the seeds of black cumin. To do this, grind the seeds into a very fine powder and add to a cup of boiled water, mix, and let it steep. The ground black cumin seeds can be used in salads and it works well when it is mixed with lemon, cilantro, and thin. The ground up seeds can also be used in stir fries, casseroles, and breads. This is so versatile; you can add some to your favorite tea or coffee and still get the benefits.

Asthma can be helped with black cumin, as can the common cold, and it also helps to boost the immune system during cold and flu season. In capsulated form, it can be taken with the benefit of strengthening hair and nails. Believe it or not, Black Cumin oil can be mixed with your favorite moisturizing cream to reap the benefits of healthier skin. There are no toxic effects, adverse reactions, or side effects with normal dosage.


Black Cumin Seed has no known toxicity, however, due to there being no RDA (Recommended daily allowance) set for this nutrient, we suggest one should be cautious and look to consume a reasonable dosage from between 50 to 75 mgs until further studies are conducted.

Women who are nursing or pregnant, as we always state, should refrain from using any nutritional supplement, herbal or otherwise, unless consulting their physician first. This is especially important with black cumin seed as large doses have traditionally been used to induce abortion in the past.

Our Tips For Choosing A Black Cumin Seed Supplement

1. Go for a black cumin nutritional supplement made from standardized extracts. Standardized extracts contain higher amounts of the active ingredients, which is what gives you the therapeutic benefits.

2. Always purchase your black cumin seed supplements produced at pharmaceutical GMP compliant facilities. Such places comply with the most rigorous manufacturing requirements to ensure products do not harbor any contaminants, which is a serious problem.

Information on the Black Cumin Seed

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Scary Halloween Invitation Cards and Party Halloween Invitations For Your Spooky Party Celebrations

!±8± Scary Halloween Invitation Cards and Party Halloween Invitations For Your Spooky Party Celebrations

Many of the Halloween invitations available today include images of monsters and scary creatures that have come to be synonymous with October 31st. These images are great choices for almost any Halloween invitation but where did they come from? Do these frightening designs have any basis in reality? And, if they do, wouldn't that be a great story for the party host to share with the recipients of these Halloween party invitations? Below is some interesting information and facts about some of these Halloween creatures.

Halloween Invitations & Ghosts

The most frequently seen image that goes well with printable Halloween invitations are ghosts. Many years ago the Halloween holiday got its start from the Celt, they believed it was the one true night, where the living and the dead crossed paths. They believed that the dead was able to revisit the living to scare them. However, somewhere along the way these ghostly, creature images found their way onto free printable Halloween invitations from years past. China was one of many places to first have a documented account of ghosts. When King Hsuan in 783 BC ordered that his own minister be killed, his wrongful death was said to resurrect his spirit to seek revenge and kill the king. Presently, Individuals globally have beliefs creatures and ghosts are real and among us. No matter what you believe, it doesn't keep these images from appearing as excellent Halloween invitations ideas.

A Vampire for the Halloween Invitation

One of the most well known images on invitations for Halloween is that of the Vampire. Imprinting this image onto invitations for Halloween for parties may bring in more for attendance, especially females. Vampires have been around for a long time and are very popular. Individuals have believed in creatures, especially vampires since the human race begin. A large amount of scary Halloween invitations use the image of the vampire and its Eastern European background developed many of its tales of the creature during the 18th century. Our origin and race did not adopt the more alluring and enticing persona of the vampire until the early 1800's and it stemmed many movies from then they're on. Some movies like Dracula was fashioned after the man who was named Vlad the Impaler. He was a real individual whose Transylvanian roots earned him the title of someone who inflicted great fear by his acts.

Halloween Party Invitations for the Living Dead

Zombie images are not usually the right image to use for kids Halloween invitations because they are so scary. They are very popular with us though, due to George Romero. He made the early 60's movie, Night of the Living Dead and hence zombies were popular. Studies have been actually conducted on them. Most Halloween inspired creatures are more fictional than zombies and are ideal also for Halloween invitation ideas. Zombies were a very real part of many acts of voodoo. The dead would rise and walk about on the earth at night. The studies show that zombies may have been real due to the fact of practices of powerful dual drugs that caused a person to behave as if dead. The person would rise up out of the grave, when the drugs effects had disappeared. They usually always suffered permanent damage.

The Mummy & the Free Halloween Invitations

Mummies are not as popular as they once were, but are still found as decorations on some unique Halloween invitations sometimes. They have their basing on Egypt and the Egyptian practices. In Egypt, mummification was once a very common practice and hence the fear was born. Some studies sparked the fear of being buried while still alive. The early 20's, King Tut's grave was located and inspired many fears of mummification. Directors and Hollywood producers used the ideal in their movies, therefore spreading the fear of mummies. Although a Halloween invite depicting a mummy may not be as scary, but can still be found printed on them many times and also as Halloween costumes.

Halloween Party Invitation for the Witch

Like ghosts, witches are very commonly associated with Halloween ideas, including costumes. Witches, like ghosts and vampires, have a long history with the human race, even pre-dating the ancient celebrations of this holiday. Witches are a complex subject because the term can refer to the people wrongly accused of the crime then tortured or killed during witch hunts like the ones in Salem and all over the world, to folk medicine practitioners who used herbal medicine to heal people as if by magic, to pagan nature worshippers, or to people who use magic and spells to control people, the environment, and the world. Although witches have been depicted in many ways throughout different cultures, the modern Western view likely to appear on Halloween invitations was probably shaped by the appearance of the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz film from 1939.

Scary Halloween Invitation Cards and Party Halloween Invitations For Your Spooky Party Celebrations

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

How To Cut Mosaic Tiles

!±8± How To Cut Mosaic Tiles

This can be very frustrating for some people. You need a precise cut on your glass tile and you just can't seem to get what you want. There are ways to cut glass tile to almost perfection. However, you must remember that glass is glass and it tends to have a mind of its own sometimes. If you get a piece that will not cut well, then put it aside and try a new one. Glass has fracture points and it will break along its own line occasionally. You have to learn how to direct the cut.

Make sure to always wear safety glasses when using an mosaic cutting tool. You don't want to get glass in your eyes.

Wheeled Cutters

Use wheeled cutters to cut most mosaic tiles. Some people use the basic nippers some have too many problems with them. To cut all the way across the glass tile in a straight line you need to cut quickly and efficiently. If you take too long to squeeze the cutters for a cut then you will end up crushing the tile. This crushed area will result in a poor cut that is curved. You can't give the glass time to find its fracture point. Place your wheels where you want the cut and pop the tile apart with speed. Don't let your cutters wobble either.

You still may have a ragged edge. This is normal and usually a desired effect. Most artists don't want a "perfect" edge. They want it to all look hand cut. To clean up a ragged edge, slowly start nipping the rough area off. You can also use grozier pliers to pull off the unwanted part.

Practice really does make perfect on this. The more cuts you make on glass tile the better you will get. Remember that it will take a lot to dull your wheels. If they seem to be getting dull just rotate them slightly

Basic Nippers

You can use the wheeled cutters or basic nippers to cut the small ceramic or porcelain tiles. These will dull your wheels a little quicker but not enough to really matter. You will use the same technique as described above.

Basic nippers are used to direct the cut. Place the tile between the teeth. However, do not place the tile on the full surface. Instead, you will just hold it in the front or back of the nipper's teeth. Angle the nipper to go with the direction you want the cut and squeeze. It takes a lot of practice with these but you can get some great keystone cuts this way.

Wet Saw

A wet saw is used to take the large 12" floor tiles and cut them into workable pieces. Use this for cutting ceramic, porcelain, and marble. You can start cutting down the large squares with a wet saw. After you get it cut into rods, use your basic nippers or a hammer and hardie to chisel it into small cubes.

A note of caution...make sure to wear protective eyewear and old clothes. You will get messy!

Hammer and Hardie

The hammer and hardie method is an old technique that a lot of mosaic artists still use. It consists of a mallet and a chisel tool. Place this tool where you want the cut and hit with a hammer. This is used for cutting marble, natural stone, and smalti. You can use it for cutting most mosaic tesserae though.

Of course, a hammer itself is a great breaking tool. You can use it to bust up large pieces of ceramic into a workable size. Make sure to lay a towel on top first. You don't want to bust off your glaze.

Glass Scorer

A glass scorer is a tool mainly used in stained glass work. Mosaic artists will use it to cut down stained glass sheets. You can get a nice designed cut with this tool also. It consists of a tiny wheel that must be kept oiled. Just roll it on the glass and pop it apart with running pliers. It will take a lot of practice if you want to do cuts other than straight ones.

Your tile cutters/breakers will make the difference between a great mosaic piece and an "okay" mosaic piece. Find what suits your style best and stick with it. Whenever you can't get a tile to cut just right, maybe you need to try a different tool.

How To Cut Mosaic Tiles

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The liquorice plant - A herbal remedy for menopause

!±8± The liquorice plant - A herbal remedy for menopause

Herbal Licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra is also obtained from the licorice plant. Not only women who use the power to control the symptoms of menopause, but people throughout history have there too.

Ancient Chinese, Hindus, Greeks and Egyptians all used this herb. In Egypt, it was thought that this herb has taken an essential ingredient in the production of a special drink in the life after. For this reason, many Egyptian royalty (including King Tut) buried with licoriceroot.

But you're not an Egyptian, so we turn our attention to all the benefits that this herb offers women in menopause.

What can it do for me?

It can help combat the symptoms of menopause such as depression, fatigue, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, headaches and digestive problems.

Together with the fight against the symptoms of menopause, can also help with health problems not related to menopause. These include yeast infections,Asthma, ulcers, athlete's foot, colds, heartburn and ulcers.

This is an anti-inflammatory.

What are the side effects?

It can cause high blood pressure, so see your doctor before taking this supplement. Also, if you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before starting any supplements.

Since this plant more adverse effects such as water retention and can cause high blood pressure, it is advisable to stagger the intake.Take nutritional supplements for four days in a row, and then two weeks ago to stop taking it again.

And if you're looking for a laxative, does not take these supplements! They have a mild laxative effect ... what could be an advantage depending on what your status in the gut

What are the forms of supplements are available?

The herbs licorice are complementary as pills, teas, drops and chews. Although licorice candy is delicious, it does not actually contain licorice. These candiesis actually flavored with anise.

How does it work?

The liquorice plant and herbal plants contain two types of estrogen, isoflavones and lignans. These plant estrogens to the estrogen-like effects our body, can help the symptoms of low estrogen levels and reduce the balance of hormones.

The liquorice plant - A herbal remedy for menopause

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Learning Math and Loving It with manipulatives and games

!±8± Learning Math and Loving It with manipulatives and games

When we think of ways to teach children math, the first things that probably come to mind flash cards, repetition and memorization, pie charts, workbooks, and the like. But a method they thought, perhaps, or even heard, is the use of educational manipulatives and games.

What are the benefits of manipulation and educational games to learn math?

First of all, one might ask, what are the educational manipulatives? Our officialDefinition of "manipulate" means "to treat or operate with or as if by hand or by mechanical means especially in a skillful" (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary). In other words, there is something to do or handle something with your hands. But it has to do with math class?

Well, if you teach children the money you want what? He pulls a few coins and some bills and explain how each value and how they will behave towards each other. This is a hands-onApproach to teaching the value of money with artifice.

Manipulatives mathematics education may be the things that really interested the students and with their hands. They come in all colors shapes and sizes. Tricks can give students a hands-on three-dimensional representation of the concepts they are learning. And best of all, they are easy to use.

The tricks are usually cubes, rods, plates or cards with or without numbers. If your child has just started, isare those without the use of numbers. An example is Cuisenaire rods.

Cuisenaire rods are a set of rectangular bars, each a different color and size. Help students visualize the problems with fractions and can be used to teach the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. After the child learns the basics, then you can dice, sticks or stones with numbers and symbols to use them. Are used as flash cards.

But what ifof teaching, geometric shapes or fractions or samples?

First, there are geometric manipulatives. These can be used to teach children of cylinders, spheres, cubes, pyramids and cones. Some are geometric manipulatives whole. Others are divided into sections to make it easier to prove, the addition or subtraction of parts. Geometric manipulatives providers typically offer a book of activities to help with many lessons, students understand the geometric relationships.

There areEven manipulatives to teach fractions. These are usually made of foam or plastic. They can be used to understand the student, is the relationship between whole objects and parts of things.

Artifice, design and structure are very popular with skill. Perhaps it is
because they are often used in crafts. Crafts can be fun, but how many children to recognize their problem solving skills are developed as they are tinkering? Pretty sneaky, huh?

AnotherWay to improve learning is playing.

We all know that children must learn their math facts. Although some children can learn these facts you will see for the first time as you learn, the majority of children see them over and over again. They learn through repetition. Just use your flash cards or workbook pages can be tedious and not very stimulating.

But with a game the children learn the necessary repetition in a fun interesting way. And there are games for all levels of learning. For example,Sum Swamp is the game for beginners who need practice with addition and subtraction. Tut is a completely different game, that the practice is in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and the order of operations practice.

Your child practice with logic, strategy and the needs of pattern recognition? Tic Tac Twice a fun game that will certainly help. The players use two cards simultaneously. A step forward on a table not be a good step on the other side. Players have four tokens in a placeSet up, up, down or diagonally on a table. This game is based on algebraic principles.

Geoshapes is a game that is a bit 'more difficult. Students plan strategies and calculate the risk, while the practice with their math. The goal is the first figure to be filled with a combination of geometric shapes.

Whatever the child's learning goals, there are games and other tools to help. Educational manipulatives and games are just some of the tools is often neglected in ourArsenal education, which is to teach and entertain at the same time it can be. While traditional methods of teaching mathematics that must surely have been proven not to be abandoned, manipulation and educational games can and should be a short attention span, for most children to be famous as a resource to overcome them.

Learning Math and Loving It with manipulatives and games

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Natural remedies for menopause? Try natural estrogen supplements

!±8± Natural remedies for menopause? Try natural estrogen supplements

These additions are great natural remedies menopause natural estrogens. You can increase the low levels of estrogen and progesterone, helping you to help menopause.

Don Quai: Another common name of this herb is Angelica. This plant is in Europe and Asia. Previously, people use this herb to ward off evil spirits and pestilence, and Chinese women for menstrual problems and menopause for centuries.

It contains natural plant estrogens(Phytoestrogens) helps women to balance hormones during menopause. Together with the help of these symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and digestive problems, but it can also help prevent osteoporosis and increase circulation, prevent high blood pressure.

Black cohosh: Scientists are not quite sure how this herb works, but some believe it gives our bodies such as the effects of estrogen, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness help to facilitateDepression and menstrual problems.

But it works, Native American and Chinese women have used it for centuries. Do not use continuously, using, if six months or so, then pauses for a few months. Do not take this herb if you have breast cancer or if you are pregnant or nursing.

Licorice Root: This herbal remedy has been used by the Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Hindus. In fact, the Egyptians believed that licorice root is an important part was to make a sweet drink in the postWorld, as many licenses as King Tut was buried with licorice root.

Together with the balance of our hormones, because it contains plant estrogens, also gives us an anti-inflammatory because of its steroid-like effects on the body.

It can help to heal, including: depression, fatigue, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, headaches and gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn and constipation.

It can cause high blood pressure, so do not take if you have high blood pressurePressure or if you are pregnant.

Agnus castus: This herb has a long history. And 'referred to in the Iliad, and as the name suggests, the monks, to use the seeds to reduce their libido, even if it is proved that the loss of libido caused by agnus castus.

This herb helps to balance estrogen and progesterone. It stimulates the body to produce more progesterone and less estrogen. This can be particularly useful before menopause, when ourProgesterone levels are quite low. It may help treat hot flashes, night sweats, depression and breast tenderness. It 'also used in Chinese medicine to treat colds, headaches and arthritis.

Do not take it, if you are pregnant or nursing.

Feverfew: This plant is used to treat just one disease - migraine. Comes from the Latin word "fever" and "avoidance," which means "go away fever."

It is a member of the daisy family, and the active ingredient is parthenolidewhich helps the blood circulation. It works to prevent migraines, so take the headache will not stop, which is ongoing, but will help eliminate the onset of migraine in the first place.

Natural remedies for menopause? Try natural estrogen supplements

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