Herbal Licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra is also obtained from the licorice plant. Not only women who use the power to control the symptoms of menopause, but people throughout history have there too.
Ancient Chinese, Hindus, Greeks and Egyptians all used this herb. In Egypt, it was thought that this herb has taken an essential ingredient in the production of a special drink in the life after. For this reason, many Egyptian royalty (including King Tut) buried with licoriceroot.
But you're not an Egyptian, so we turn our attention to all the benefits that this herb offers women in menopause.
What can it do for me?
It can help combat the symptoms of menopause such as depression, fatigue, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, headaches and digestive problems.
Together with the fight against the symptoms of menopause, can also help with health problems not related to menopause. These include yeast infections,Asthma, ulcers, athlete's foot, colds, heartburn and ulcers.
This is an anti-inflammatory.
What are the side effects?
It can cause high blood pressure, so see your doctor before taking this supplement. Also, if you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before starting any supplements.
Since this plant more adverse effects such as water retention and can cause high blood pressure, it is advisable to stagger the intake.Take nutritional supplements for four days in a row, and then two weeks ago to stop taking it again.
And if you're looking for a laxative, does not take these supplements! They have a mild laxative effect ... what could be an advantage depending on what your status in the gut
What are the forms of supplements are available?
The herbs licorice are complementary as pills, teas, drops and chews. Although licorice candy is delicious, it does not actually contain licorice. These candiesis actually flavored with anise.
How does it work?
The liquorice plant and herbal plants contain two types of estrogen, isoflavones and lignans. These plant estrogens to the estrogen-like effects our body, can help the symptoms of low estrogen levels and reduce the balance of hormones.
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